Thursday, July 29, 2010


Sorry buddy, but 4 Nidorans isn't going to get you a date with me. (5 might)

flowlab skateboard

The Flowlab skateboard looks very very cool. It also looks like something I would probably fall off of immediately.

Apparently, riders use it more like a snowboard, and while it has increased stability over other boards, its slower and is better for riding downhill. These boards have been around since the 90's, but the internet seems to have just found out about them.

Friday, July 2, 2010

gameboy condoms

For those sexually active nerds out there (I know they're hiding somewhere...), here's more incentive to bag your boner. created these Gameboy system and cartridge condoms and packages. You can choose from "Donkey Schlong", "Sextris", "The Long End of Zelda," "Dong," and "Super Mario Land of Love". They come in ribbed, heat, large, tingle, thin, and extra safe. Now go play!

waffles on sticks

These make so much more sense than how I usually eat waffles, which is with my hands. Perfect for dipping in whatever you can imagine (pudding??), this waffle maker will only set you back about 715 Euros. Worth it? Yes.

Via Gizmodo and product site at Triangular Concept