Thursday, December 30, 2010

moving rorschach inkblot masks

Just in time for Purim... make your own Rorschach inkblot masks that actually move using thermochromic paint.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

slo mo popcorn

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

jerry stiller and anne maera webisodes

Jerry Stiller and Anne Maera (Ben Stiller's parents) have a hilarious new show online called Stiller and Maera, where they discuss topics such as Lebron James and the Jersey Shore. As I sat in the library trying my hardest not to laugh out loud, I figured I should share the wealth. Watch them all here.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

super cake


My birthday isn't far off, and cleeeearly I'm expecting something this spectacular. "But Rachel, how will you decide who to eat?" you ask. All of them. The whole cake. I'll start with you, Aquaman.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

pokemon fusion

Pokemon fusion is a website that lets you see what would happen if pokemon decided to... share a pokeball. You can mix and match the different pokemon and then vote for your favorites. Obviously this is how I'll be spending the rest of my afternoon.

spock hoodie


This is a perfect hoodie for those who want to wish "live long and prosper" to everyone on the street. Just not when its fucking cold outside, because then you suckas can talk to the hand. Also great for those Cohens out there who don't want to wear a suit to synagogue.

$40 from Threadless

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Sorry buddy, but 4 Nidorans isn't going to get you a date with me. (5 might)

flowlab skateboard

The Flowlab skateboard looks very very cool. It also looks like something I would probably fall off of immediately.

Apparently, riders use it more like a snowboard, and while it has increased stability over other boards, its slower and is better for riding downhill. These boards have been around since the 90's, but the internet seems to have just found out about them.

Friday, July 2, 2010

gameboy condoms

For those sexually active nerds out there (I know they're hiding somewhere...), here's more incentive to bag your boner. created these Gameboy system and cartridge condoms and packages. You can choose from "Donkey Schlong", "Sextris", "The Long End of Zelda," "Dong," and "Super Mario Land of Love". They come in ribbed, heat, large, tingle, thin, and extra safe. Now go play!

waffles on sticks

These make so much more sense than how I usually eat waffles, which is with my hands. Perfect for dipping in whatever you can imagine (pudding??), this waffle maker will only set you back about 715 Euros. Worth it? Yes.

Via Gizmodo and product site at Triangular Concept

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

light graffiti

Here are some cool shots of light graffiti at a skate park in the UK, photographed by Ben Matthews (apparently he's a dentist too!). The artist had to use exposure times of up to 12 minutes, and he took some wicked cool pictures.

You can see the star trails in this one:

growing plants out of comic books?

An artist named Koshi Kawachi has created a technique called "Manga Farming". Basically, he grew radishes in between the pages of manga comic books. So if all you have are some seeds, water, and books, you should live.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Star Wars Lightsaber Nightlight

I'm afraid of the dark. And the dark side. So I'll be equipping my room with this lightsaber nightlight. It comes with a remote control that can change the blade to 7 different colours! I think I've been playing waaay too much Knights of the Old Republic...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

volcanic lightning

Sometimes, when volcanoes decide to be even scarier, they produce LIGHTNING. Supposedly, this unexplained phenomenon may have something to do with electrically charged bubbles of magma and ash that rub up against each other. Sounds kinky.

Can you see it? This is a picture of the Sakurajima volcano in Japan erupting with lightning. Check out this video of more lightning in a volcano before you yell "FAKE!"

For more information check this out.

Image via APOD

because i'll never actually get there...

Here's a video tour of the inside of the ISS (International Space Station). Since Obama is allowing for the privatization of the space industry, hopefully average Joe's or Jane's like myself can actually get there some time. Star Wars = reality? Yessssssssssssssssssss!

Found on Geekologie

Sunday, February 7, 2010

om nom nom cat food dish

This cat dish comes in any colour you want, and is custom made by an Etsy seller. So that your cat can om nom nom his cheezburgers all day long.

Found on Etsy by The Daily What:

best prank

I roflcoptered. Lollerskated even.

Via The Daily What

Saturday, February 6, 2010

valentines day: star wars edition

Obviously the way to my heart is through Star Wars. Tell your very own princess Leia or Han Solo how you feel this Valentine's Day with Star Wars cards:

Via Something Awful