Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Ever wanted to go snowboarding without the snow? Now you can, with a Freebord. These unique skateboards allow the rider to skate with no limitations, twist around, and stop just like you would on a snowboard. The board has a special system of wheels that allow for carving, and the rider is strapped in with bindings for easier speed control and less falling off.

Here's a human tetris themed promotional video for the boards which is actually pretty cool in itself:

For more information check out

colour changing umbrella

This umbrella was developed by a UK company called Squid London, and only a limited amount of them are being sold. Basically when your umbrella gets wet, it changes colours, turning a boring everyday object into a work of art.

These ones go from black and white to a colourful pattern when wet:

The secret is hydrochromatic ink, which was developed at a pen company in Japan, eventually leading to the preschool toy Aquadoodle.

Via Techeblog

Thursday, September 10, 2009

today's APOD

Today's astronomy picture of the day is absolutely gorgeous. Its from the Hubble Space Telescope's newly upgraded wide field camera, and shows the butterfly nebula, a formation of gas from a dying star that is 36,000 degrees Fahrenheit and is traveling outwards at 600,000 miles an hour. If this was the sun, it would hit the earth within 24 minutes. It can be seen in the constellation of Scorpius, and it is one of the hottest known stars in our galaxy.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

star wars toast

London is infamous for having tons of guys that like to stick their head out their car windows and yell at girls passing by. Today I was wearing a star wars shirt while biking near my house and I got "Oooh Star Wars... giiiirl I could be your Obi-Wan Kenobi!".

A note to the gentlemen in London: Please stop it.

If you decide to be real men and stop yelling at us, you could get lucky enough to wake up in the morning next to us girls to the smell of toast. Star Wars shaped toast.

I pitched this idea to my Feasibility project last year and was turned down. It burns an image into your toast in the shape of Darth Vader. My house is currently toaster-less so I think I'm going to get this one. My roommates are going to kill me.